app.boards module
- exception DoubleDestructionError
- exception CellAlreadyOccupiedError
- exception ShipDoesNotExistError
- exception UnlocatedShipRemovalError
- class Cell(shipUUID: int, squareIndex: int, alive: bool)
- property alive
Defines wether the square has not been destroyed yet
- destroy()
Destroys the cell
- Raises
DoubleDestructionError – if the cell has already been destroyed
- class Board(player: Player)
- property size: int
Board size
- Returns
board size
- Return type
- calculate_square_locations(start_location: tuple, orientation: Literal['UP', 'DOWN', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT'], size: int) list
Calculates the locations of the squares of a ship
- Parameters
start_location (tuple) – location of the first square of the ship
orientation (Literal["UP", "DOWN", "LEFT", "RIGHT"]) – orientation of the ship
size (int) – size of the ship
- Raises
LocationOutsideOfRangeError – if the ship would not fit on the board
- Returns
tuple[0]: list of the locations of the squares of the ship, tuple[1]: list of the locations of the squares surrounding the ship
- Return type
tuple[list, list]
- _get_ship_object(shipUUID: int) Ship
Returns the ship object associated with the given uuid
- Parameters
shipUUID (int) – uuid of the ship
- Raises
ShipDoesNotExistError – if the ship does not exist
- Returns
ship object
- Return type
- add_ship(shipUUID: int, location: tuple, orientation: Literal['UP', 'DOWN', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT']) None
Adds a ship to the board
- Parameters
shipUUID (int) – uuid of the ship to add
location (tuple) – location of the first square of the ship
orientation (Literal["UP", "DOWN", "LEFT", "RIGHT"]) – orientation of the ship
- Raises
CellAlreadyOccupiedError – if the ship would overlap with or be to close to another ship
LocationOutsideOfRange – if the ship would not fit on the board
ShipDoesNotExistError – if the ship does not exist
- remove_ship(shipUUID: int) None
Removes a ship from the board
- Parameters
shipUUID (int) – uuid of the ship to remove
- Raises
InvalidShipPlacementError – given ship is incorrectly placed
ShipDoesNotExistError – if the ship does not exist
UnlocatedShipRemovalError – if the ship is not located
- move_ship(shipUUID: int, location: tuple, orientation: Literal['UP', 'DOWN', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT']) None
Moves a ship to a new location. If the ship is not located it works like
- Parameters
shipUUID (int) – uuid of the ship to move
location (tuple) – new location of the ship
- Raises
CellAlreadyOccupiedError – if the ship would overlap with another ship
InvalidShipPlacementError – if the ship location is not valid (it doesn’t fit on the board)
ShipDoesNotExistError – if the ship does not exist
- cell(x: int, y: int) app.boards.Cell | None
Returns the cell at the given coordinates. If there is no cell it returns
- Parameters
x (int) – coordinate x
y (int) – coordinate y
- Raises
IndexError – if the coordinates are out of range
- Returns
value at the given coordinates
- Return type
Cell | None
- get_possible_locations(size: int, orientation: Literal['UP', 'DOWN', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT']) list
Returns a list of possible locations for a ship of the given size and orientation
- Parameters
size (int) – size of the ship
orientation (Literal["UP", "DOWN", "LEFT", "RIGHT"]) – orientation of the ship
- Returns
list of (x, y) tuples
- Return type
- attack(x: int, y: int) AttackResult
Attacks the given location and returns
- Parameters
x (int) – x coordinate
y (int) – y coordinate
- Raises
HitDestroyedSquareError – if the cell has already been hit
LocationOutsideOfRangeError – if the coordinates are not on the board
- Returns
result of the attack
- Return type